About Us


Who are we ?

The Saint Pierre en Rire association was officially born in 2012, even if the comedy festival has existed since 1999.
It is a few volunteers, from the MJC Adosphere, who created the association.

Today, it has about twenty volunteers around the office and the Board of Directors.

President: Stéphanie Gimenez

Vice President: Éric Gimenez

Treasurer: Fabien Fernandez

Secretary: Cyrille Denet

The beginning...

After an exceptional inaugural evening of the Espace Deslyres, Madame Coche, 1st Deputy Mayor gave carte blanche to the MJC Adosphere for the organization of an event in the town.

And so it is that on October 2, 1999, the first humor festival of the Municipality, then baptized “Eclats de Rire” was organized by the MJC Adosphere and the comic duo “Les Antigones” with Raphael Bossy and Olivier Flachat.

The Festival over the years

The Humor Festival is above all a generous and friendly event, a sharing of culture on our own scale with in particular the sharing of the emotions and pleasures provoked by the meeting of prestigious artists: Tex, Gustave Parking, Anne Roumanoff , Charlotte de Turckheim, Sellig, Pierre Aucaigne, Sandrine Alexi, Les Jumeaux, Elliot, Vincent Roca, Christelle Chollet, Olivier Lejeune, Warren Zavatta, Giroud and Stotz, Guillaume Bats…

It is also the sharing of experiences with entertainment professionals and friends of the most prestigious halls and laughter festivals.

But the humor festival is above all the possibility of offering young comedians an exceptional stage where they can show off their worlds.

The festival over the years ...
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